Vote Me onto 'Survivor' ! Potential Male Castaways Make Their Pitches to PEOPLE

Nine potential contestants made their case for why you should vote them back onto the island

Photo: CBS

You’ve got to hand it to the producers of Survivor. They sure know how to keep a franchise going.

Two weeks ago, the long-running show announced a voting process where America would get to choose contestants for next season.

Through Wednesday night’s finale, voters can visit Survivor‘s website to choose the 10 men and 10 women who they want to see compete next season.

Last week, PEOPLE profiled 10 women who are in the running to compete.

Now it’s time to hear from the men.

PEOPLE spoke with 9 of the potential male contestants. (Mike Holloway is still an active contestant on the current season. As such, he is under a press embargo and cannot campaign for a slot.)

Here they are, in no particular order:

Stephen Fishbach, 36

Claim to fame: Fishbach ended Survivor: Tocantins in second place. After returning to the states, he became PEOPLE’s resident blogger on Survivor. (So yes, we are officially endorsing him in this vote.)
Why he wants to play again: “I’ve been thinking, blogging and podcasting about Survivor for seven years,” he says. “A trip back to Survivor will give me something new to say!”
How he’ll play differently: “Last time, I played too much in the shadows,” he says. “Nobody knew I was playing a good game. I’m more comfortable now assuming a more visible role.”
Why we’d like to see him again: Frankly, because he won’t stop pestering all of us in the office to vote for him.

Jeff Varner, 49

Claim to fame: Varner finished in 10th place on 2001’s Survivor: Australia, which was the No. 1 show in America that season. He was a victim of a (now obsolete) Survivor rule where past votes counted against contestants in the event of a tie. “It was a bad rule,” he laughs. During an immunity challenge, he gave up in return for some peanut butter; it turned out to be a million-dollar mistake.
Why he wants to play again: “I’ve waited longer than any dude on the list to go back,” he says. “If seniority means anything, throw me a vote.”
What he’d do differently: I’m much more patient and mature than before,” he says, “but just as irreverent as ever. I don’t think I played all that badly the first time!”
Why we’d like to see him again: Varner was the class clown of Australia. (He made gagging noises during the gross food challenge, causing Tina Wesson to throw up.) After a brutal season in Survivor: Worlds Apart, we could use some comic relief.

Terry Deitz, 55

Why you’d remember him: Deitz won five consecutive challenges in Survivor: Panama, beating contestants half his age and finishing the season in third place. His self-confidence – or cockiness – rankled the other contestants, including eventual winner Aras Baskauskas.
What he’d do differently: “I’ll be playing a more strategic and social game,” he says. “I’m 55 now and can’t expect to rely on challenge beast mode!”
Can he win? Deitz’s attempts of strategizing fell flat during his first season, but he says he’s learned from his mistakes. “I’ll use the advice I’ve gotten from the fans to be a better all-around player.”

Andrew Savage, 51

Why you’d remember him: During Survivor: Pearl Islands, two contestants were allowed to re-enter the game – and they promptly helped vote him out. (His closest ally, Ryan Opray, was similarly affected – but was inexplicably snubbed for consideration this season.) As the leader of his tribe, Savage was too much of a threat to keep around.
Why producers chose him to return: Host Jeff Probst is a big fan of Savage and has publicly said that he wanted to see him compete again.
Why he wants to return: “The Outcast Twist ripped my dream from my hands, which tore my heart out and was devastating,” he says. “I have lived with that agony for 12 years, and I am not over it. The passion and love of Survivor has been building for 12 years and is ready to erupt.”
Why we’d like to see him again: Read his last answer again. If he plays half as hard as he is campaigning, he’ll be great television.

Brad Culpepper, 46

Why you’d remember him: A contestant in Survivor: Blood vs. Water, Culpepper was the clear leader of his tribe. He played the game so hard that other contestants held him responsible when they were voted off. His tribe turned on him, voting him out on day 10.
His Achilles heel: Culpepper played with his wife, Monica, and put her welfare before his. “I made moves that weren’t in my best interest,” he told PEOPLE, but they may have been in the best interest of Monica.”
Why he wants to play again: “I didn’t get to play Survivor the way it’s meant to be played,” he says. “My wife – my No. 1 – was on the other tribe. I’d love to go back and play my own game.”

Vytas Baskauskas, 35

Why you’d remember him: In Survivor: Blood vs. Water, Baskauskas famously competed against his brother, Aras – and showed no qualms about fighting dirty to get ahead. He was also very well-liked on his season; Tina Wesson tried to hook him up with her daughter, Katie Collins.
How he’d play differently: “The first time I played Survivor, I was my brother’s keeper,” he says. “I want to be unhindered by my love for family and play my own game.”
Can he win? Baskauskas has an easygoing, non-threatening demeanor that could prove dangerous; by the time other contestants target him, it could be too late.

Max Dawson, 38

Why you’d remember him: Dawson was a surprise early boot from Survivor: Worlds Apart. Although he had the head knowledge – he even taught a class on Survivor at Northwestern – he made some crucial mistakes in the game.
Why he wants to play again: “My love of the game got in the way of me playing it,” he says. “Now I’m ready to buckle down and focus and show people what my game is all about.”
How he’ll play differently: “I’ll play with my head instead of my heart,” he says. “I’m checking my fandom at the door to focus on what matters most: making the moves that will keep me alive.”

Jim Rice, 39

Why you’d remember him: Rice got on the wrong side of the numbers when John Cochran flipped on his Survivor: South Pacific tribe – destroying six contestants’ chances to win the game. Of all the contestants, Rice was the most vocally outraged. (His chilly reception to Cochran at loser’s lodge was fun to watch.)
How he’d play differently: “I would be much more open to change and various routes to the end,” he says. “I’m the Survivor everyone will love watching, even if they don’t realize it yet.”
What he’d do with the money: I’d give $250,000 to charity, $25,000 on a Vegas trip with friends, $25,000 on something ridiculous and the rest towards my kids’ college and a home in the mountains.”

Troyzan Robertson, 53

Claim to fame: In Survivor: One World, he was outnumbered by an alliance of women. His frustration mounted as he attempted to sway the game in his favor, but he was ultimately voted out in eighth place.
Why he wants your vote: “This show is every part of my being,” he says. “I love the adventure more than anyone. It’s who I am!”
How he’ll play differently: I will play with my head this time, “he says. “I was way too excited to just be there last time. This time, I’ll know what to feel and expect from everyone and everything.”
Can he win? We don’t know – but it might be fun to see him try.

Visit Survivor‘s website to pick 10 male competitors for a second chance and be among more than 200 million ballots cast for the new season so far.

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