Politics Politician Families Barack Obama Reveals How He Popped the Question to Joe Biden The two men and their wives talk to PEOPLE about family, good chemistry – and basketball By Sandra Sobieraj Westfall Sandra Sobieraj Westfall Sandra Sobieraj Westfall is a former national political correspondent, digital writer and editor at large at PEOPLE. She left PEOPLE in 2023. People Editorial Guidelines Published on August 25, 2008 08:00PM EDT Photo: Landov(2) Picture this: A photographer asks Democratic running mates Barack Obama and Joe Biden to squeeze together for a portrait. “We’re kind of insecure,” jokes Obama, while Biden counters, “I carry my wife’s pocketbook – I’m fine.” “Okay,” declares Obama, posing for the camera, “get tight!” When PEOPLE caught up with the candidates the day of their Aug. 23 announcement, the banter was easy between the onetime rivals – who became a team once Obama, 47, asked the senator from Delaware, 65, to help on the ticket. Also joining in the conversation: wives Michelle Obama, 44, and Jill Biden, 57. This is the first mate you’ve chosen since Michelle.Barack Obama: That’s a good point.Michelle Obama: Barack is looking for people who will challenge him, who will tell him no.Barack: That’s exactly what you need [in a vice-president].Michelle: That’s why he married me. (Laughs.) So I’d tell Sen. Biden, don’t pull any punches. Now, if Sen. Biden starts yelling at you about picking up your socks …Barack: Then we’re in trouble. Don’t do that, Joe.Joe Biden: Don’t worry. How did you pop the question?Barack: I called his office and they had to hunt him down. When I finally got him, he said he was at the dentist’s office. I realized only later that he was being a doting husband, looking after Jill during a root canal. How did Sen. Biden tell the family?Jill Biden: My granddaughter, Maisy, turned 8 and we were having a little birthday party for her. We had just finished blowing out the candles and were cutting the cake. Joe said to everybody, ‘Hey, I have something that I’d like to announce.’ And he said, ‘Barack called me and asked me to be vice-president.’ Everybody – I get so emotional when I think about it – and everybody clapped and started hugging.Joe: Every single birthday, all of our kids and grandkids – no matter where they are – they come home to our house. We have this big, old farm table [in the kitchen], and that’s where we were. Maisy was totally unfazed. She said, ‘Pop, can I have some more ice cream cake?’ Sen. Biden, are you ready to hit the basketball court with Barack? Joe: Hell yeah, man.Jill: He plays with the grandkids; we have a basketball hoop. He can train with Maisy.Joe: I can’t keep up with Maisy! The one thing I want my kids to remember about me is that I was an athlete. The hell with the rest of this stuff. You were a college freshman when your new boss was born. Does that make you feel old?Joe: I’m not old. There are still 44 senators older than me. Are you carrying your rosary with you?Joe: (Grimaces) No. I did have it with me [earlier], but I had a light blue suit on and Jill said, ‘No, wear a dark one.’ So I changed my suit and forgot the rosary in my pocket. I keep losing them. I think people steal ’em on me – I’m joking. You used to stutter. Is it still something you have to consciously control?Joe: I don’t worry about it, but every once in a while you catch yourself and you’re like, ‘Oh, man.’ It’s not very often, but it’s a humble reminder. You conquered it when?Joe: Really finished with it by my third year in college. I had to screw up all my courage to take a public speaking class in college. I was scared to death to take it. Speech therapy was a luxury no one could afford. But stuttering taught me a lot. It was probably the best experience. I wouldn’t trade it – but I am so glad it’s gone. Mrs. Biden, what should Sen. Obama know about your husband’s habits? Jill: He’s pretty much a night owl, so they have that in common. He’s on that Blackberry and his phones constantly. I won’t let him drive the car because everything’s ringing. I say, ‘Pull over!’ It’s too dangerous. Or we go the wrong places. (Laughs.) What kinds of plans have you had to un-do now that you’re otherwise booked until Election Day, at least?Jill: I teach English at the community college, and I’ve already taught one week. This morning, early, I was putting my grades together, answering my students’ e-mails. So that still needs to be resolved. I’ve been teaching 27 years. I teach writing, so you can bet that I’m going to journal this experience every chance I get. Sen. Obama has said that chemistry was important to his choice. What do you see when you look at the two of them together?Jill: I see a historic moment. This country has to change direction [and make] sweeping changes. I think the two of them will pull in all Americans. I have goose bumps, really, when I think of what these two can do for the country. Have you had much time to get to know the Obamas?Jill: Not really. It’s always been at the debates, always sort of, ‘Hello, how are you? How many more of these do we have to do?’ But Michelle and I spent some time together this morning and we’re really looking forward to being together. (Hugs Mrs. Obama.) If you think those guys have chemistry, I think we have chemistry. Mrs. Obama, anything Sen. Biden should know about working with your husband?Michelle: Barack is a very easy guy to work with. What did he say when he told you his choice – and when was that?Michelle: I’ve stayed out of this process. But when he told me his choice, I said, ‘That’s the right choice.’ I was like, (snaps fingers) ‘Good!’ And the thing that was important for me is the reputation that Joe Biden has of being a good man. He’s a good guy, he loves his family. I like the fact that he’s on the train every day getting back home. Those are the kind of values that I respect. And uniformly, people have said the same thing about Jill. So, you want people you can hang out with, that you trust, that you sit down and have a good conversation with, in addition to the advice, guidance and wisdom he brings. I think about it as a wife who’s got to hang out with this crew, right? RELATED ARTICLES: • 2004: John Kerry picks John Edwards as his running mate • In 1986, Sen. Joe Biden was the Dem s new White House hope Close