Introducing Liam Aaron McDermott

US Weekly scored the exclusive photos of Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott’s new baby boy, Liam Aaron, 3 weeks. Tori speaks about becoming a mother, the scary birth and her reconciliation with her mother.

Details of Liam’s arrival – he was 15 days early, Tori had to have labor induced after a failure to progress, and eventually a cesarean section was performed. Tori’s water broke and the doctor decided to induce labor, which ended up lasting 17 hours. Tori said the contractions were painful but she wanted to experience it;

[It] felt like I was being Tasered. [But] as foolish as this sounds, I wanted to feel how bad it would hurt. But I think I let the pain go on a little bit long before I got the epidural.

Tori explains that when Liam’s heartrate dropped, she and Dean were told a cesarean section should be performed. And guess who the doctor was? Dr. Jason Rothbart – the same man that delivered Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt.

I asked Dr. Rothbart if he’d do a good job, and he said, ‘Well, Angelina didn’t complain.’ So I was like if Angelina let him do a C-section in Africa, I am ok. I felt comforted by that.

Tori went on to explain the reasons behind her reconciliation with her mother.

I’m so happy she’s back in my life. Having a child puts it all in perspective. Knowing the bond I have with Liam means I get my mom’s bond with me. Now that we’re together, we realize that there is no feud. I’m just sadthat I lost a year with my mother. When she walked through the hospital door when I was in labor,it was like I had just seen her yesterday. We both started to cry andhug.

Visit US Weekly for the full picture and look out for the magazine in stores this week.

Thanks to CBB readers Meredith and Amy.

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